The Balanced Business Dad

Mastering the Triad of Entrepreneurship, Marriage, and Fatherhood: Dustin's Guide to Becoming a Balanced Business Dad

RJ Campbell and Dustin Hoog Episode 84

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Struggling to juggle the hats of entrepreneur, husband, and father? You're not alone, and this episode is your beacon in the chaos. Join Coach Dustin as he unpacks the secrets to nurturing a strong marriage while steering the ship of business and fatherhood. We dive into the power of carving out quality time, mastering the nuances of communication, and the transformative art of expressing gratitude. This isn't just about keeping the peace at home—it's about creating a synergistic life where love and business fuel each other.

The 'Dad Up' philosophy isn't a buzzword; it's a call to action for every father striving for balance in the relentless business arena. In our community, the Balanced Business Dad, we don't just talk shop—we share life, the triumphs, the trials, and the tools to forge deeper connections with our families. This episode serves up a hefty dose of inspiration and practical advice to make your role as a father as impactful as your business leadership. So, gear up to reinvest in your most precious partnerships because the role of dad is the CEO position that matters most.

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Dads, do you want a thriving business that doesn't control you, a passionate marriage and kids that adore you? Do you want to grow deeper in your faith, be healthier both physically and mentally, build more meaningful relationships with your friends? Welcome to the Balanced Business Dad Podcast, where, in each episode, we dive into balancing and optimizing the six pillars of life Faith, health, marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood and business. And here are your hosts, pioneers of the Balanced Business Dad movement Dustin Hogue and RJ Campbell.

Coach Dustin:

Hey there, welcome to another episode of the Balanced Business Dad. I'm your host, coach Dustin, and here we are again. I hope you're just as excited as I am. You know, at the Balanced Business Dad, my goal is to help all the business dads out there maintain their life, maintain their faith, their health, their marriage, their being a father, being a brother, and then, of course, their business. And there's a lot of different aspects that go into that, and that's why we honestly came up with this, because it can be stressful, and one of the things that can bring stress into our lives is our marriage, because, in my opinion, it's so important to us.

Coach Dustin:

So today we're just going to talk about how to nurture your marriage as a business dad, because, again, there's a lot, lot going on, and as a business dad, we often find ourselves just immersed in this grind and running. And we got to get our kids to sports, then we got to call back this client, then we go what about this? What about this deal, what about this, what about this? All of this stuff that goes in. But amidst that hustle and bustle, it's essential, guys, not to neglect our spouse, because, after it's all said and done, the kids move out, the business is hopefully sold and creates this amazing life, it's our wives that are still there for us. So let's get into this to make sure that we're nurturing that marriage because it's so important. So I mean, honestly, the question is how do we, how do we nurture the marriage while juggling the demands of being a business owner, being a father, being a friend, trying to keep ourselves in shape, trying to have the relationship we want with God? How do we keep this all under wraps? How do we handle it? So today's episode is all going to be about the strategies and practical strategies on how we can do this.

Coach Dustin:

So, dads, first, you have to have to have to I'm going to say it again have to prioritize quality time together and in a busy schedule that can make it hard, but you have to make it a point to schedule time together. Date night walks we have something and I heard this from one of the actual council members, but it was called his freedom walk with his spouse. So after they dropped the kids off to school, they would go for a walk together every morning or every other morning, I don't know the exact timing, but it's like man, I love that because it is the freedom walk Because, hey, we have the freedom to do what we want, or the flexibility, as we talk about, to do what we want when we want to. So they scheduled that time to walk with each other. But that's how we get to just have those moments together where the phones aren't ringing or whatever it may be. Now, vacations this is something that my wife and I we prioritize extremely. We do, of course, vacations or trips with the children, but then we also make sure that we have vacations planned when it's just us two or even other friends, but without the kids, and I think that is crucial to a marriage, honestly, even if it's just a week and get away or one night or whatever it may be, depending on the situation you're in. Do that and schedule those things in your calendar, look at the whole year and just schedule them, because I'm going to even challenge you Schedule them and pay for them Non-refundable, because if they're paid for with non-refundable, I bet you're going to work a lot harder to make sure you go on that. I bet you're going to work a lot harder to make sure you go on that, right? So you have to have to have to prioritize, excuse me, that quality time together. All right, so that's the first strategy.

Coach Dustin:

The next strategy is, guys, is it's just communication? Right, it's absolutely key. As a business dad, we may often find ourselves consumed by our work, but open and honest communication with our spouse is essential for maintaining that healthy relationship. And the things that we're consumed by our business that is causing us stress are just the things that are going. I've found that if I bring my wife into that relationship, that she can help with it and that she wants to help with it. I believe our spouses don't want to see a stress and I believe, when we're trying to keep it away and keep this work over here and life over here, that it causes too much angst. And when we bring it together that work-life integration that you hear us talk so much about and communicate what's going on, that they have some of the solutions that can really really help us, what we need to do so the stress goes away. So communication, that's going to be a big one.

Coach Dustin:

The next one is dad, you got to show appreciation for the things that your wife does and gratitude. In my opinion, being a mom is the hardest job I've ever seen. I believe it's a rewarding one. I'm not sure, but I'm going to say that it's a pretty rewarding one. However, we have to show appreciation and gratitude for that, and I'll tell you the number one way that I learned this is the days, the mornings, my wife's not there, for whatever reason. Maybe she's on a trip, maybe she had to go somewhere in the morning, whatever it may be. So now it's me and the kids getting ready for school and I'm making their lunches and I have to get them out on time and I have to make sure they look good and all this stuff that our wives do or at least my wife does on a daily basis. You got to step up to it and you got to do it, and that's where sometimes, some of the most appreciation I've seen is like, wow, they most appreciation I've seen is like, wow, they're working their asses off behind the scenes. So show some major appreciation for that and gratitude.

Coach Dustin:

Now we've talked about the five love languages several, several times on the show. I think this is a really good place to bring that in again, because you got to know how they receive love and how they show love, and go read the book. It can really, really help you with that If you haven't, but you have to know their love language, and that's a good way. If you know their love language, you can show the appreciation and gratitude for them so they can actually receive it and they receive how, what you're meaning there. Um, I think that's a good one, a really good one to learn.

Coach Dustin:

Um, the final one that I want to talk about is extremely important. In my opinion. We don't really talk about it too much. It's one of those taboo subjects. But I'm going to say intimacy. But when you hear the word intimacy, I don't immediately go into sex. I believe there is much more to intimacy than just that and I think you need to prioritize that. You know communication, whether it's spiritual intimacy, whatever it may be. Dr Chapman, the same author of the Five Love Languages, also writes a book about this called Now You're Speaking my Language. Highly recommend this book, but it's how to increase the connection and the intimacy that you have in your marriages through several different ways. And again, it's not just sexual intimacy, but physical and emotional intimacy play a vital role in strengthening the connection with our spouse. Make time for this, whether it's just physical affection, deep conversations, shared experiences. I think this kind of wraps it all into what we were just talking about. All of this goes into a creating the intimacy but creates to nurture that relationship you want with your wife.

Coach Dustin:

Guys, in conclusion, nurturing your marriage as a balanced business, dad, requires intentionality. Yeah, so, for the people who are watching this, I have something on my computer that says set the intention. You know everything I want to do and everything I do. I want to set the intention for it because I want it to work out that way instead of me just going in blind. How do I want to act when I'm with my wife today, when I see my wife next, how do I want that to be? You have to be intentional about it, right? You have to have the communication, you have to have the appreciation, you have to have the intimacy.

Coach Dustin:

And by incorporating all these strategies into your daily, your weekly, your monthly, your yearly life, you're going to strengthen your relationship with your spouse and create a foundation of love and support that will sustain the challenges that you have in life. And here's the other thing You're teaching your children how to act when they're adults. I don't have the I'm in a different office right now but I don't have the saying I have, but one of them is you know, we are teaching our sons how to be husbands and fathers. We are teaching our daughters how a husband should act, and that's powerful stuff, guys. So are we doing what we want to? Are we showing them what we want them to have? By using all these strategies that we have as a business dad, I believe that you can strengthen that and nurture that relationship.

Coach Dustin:

Guys, this is what we have today. Make sure that you dad up, because the people in your life deserve it the most. You can follow us, of course, on the Facebook group and join the conversation that we have at our free Facebook group, the Balanced Business Dad. You can go directly to Facebook and look at that, or you can go to dadupgroupcom. That's actually going to give you the link to do that. It also offers a free training that I taught about the Dad Up framework, on what it takes to honestly just be better in any of these pillars that you want to be. So, guys, that's what we have. Make it a great week. I will talk to you next week. Have a great one, dad Up.

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