The Balanced Business Dad

Navigating Life's Purpose: Insights from The Fallible Man and a Christian Dad on Men's Growth, Relationships, and Time Management

RJ Campbell and Dustin Hoog Episode 79

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Embark on a transformative journey with Brent Dowlen of The Fallible Man podcast as we uncover the secrets to living a purpose-driven life. Brent, with his rich background in ministry, discusses his passion for fostering men's personal growth and building stronger relationships. He gets personal about his own battles, including impostor syndrome, and how he transcended those challenges to empower men in their marriages, friendships, and careers. Meanwhile, Brent shares his adventure of starting his Phoenix Men's Conference, and the hurdles of promoting personal development in a smaller community, emphasizing the crucial nature of these endeavors.

We also dive deep into the art of time management and the profound effects of aligning daily activities with one's purpose. Brent opens up about his transition from youth ministry to coaching, revealing that the essence of his mission, to mentor and uplift, has remained steadfast. Unveiling insights into the complexities of what women seek in relationships, we conclude that the key isn't found in material offerings but in the genuine attention and intention we bring to our connections. Join us for heartfelt conversations that promise to inspire you to live more intentionally and forge more meaningful bonds.

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Dads, do you want a thriving business that doesn't control you, a passionate marriage and kids that adore you? Do you want to grow deeper in your faith, be healthier both physically and mentally, build more meaningful relationships with your friends? Welcome to the Balance Business Dad podcast, where, in each episode, we dive into balancing and optimizing the six pillars of life Faith, health, marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood and business. And here are your hosts, pioneers of the Balance Business Dad movement Dustin Hoag and RJ Campbell.

Coach Dustin:

What's going on everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Balance Business. Dad, I'm your host, coach Dustin, with me is always the seasoned, the distinguished Mr RJ Campbell. Rj, what are you reading right now? Oh think fast and slow. Oh interesting, see, I always like to throw you off in that and you came up with that fast.

RJ Campbell:

I never know what that question is going to be. I'm like the deer in the headlights on that one. Yes, think. I think it's just called think fast and slow Heavy. It's a heavy read. It's psychology. This is not a business book, although it's good. It's about the two parts of your brain Part that thinks quick, quick decisions, part that thinks slow, like doing a math problem. I love it.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah. Well, guys, we are in for a treat. We have a guest with us that we're just going to jump right into it. We're going to ask him questions. We did not really prep this very much, but I have a lot of questions because I've been listening to him a little bit. So, Brent, welcome. How are you, sir? Oh man, I'm good, I'm excited to be here. Awesome. And one thing I didn't ask you where are you actually from?

Brent Dowlen:

Everywhere. Okay, I currently reside in Central Washington. Okay, gotcha Washington State.

Coach Dustin:

Yes, sir, the beautiful country, awesome. Well, we're going to just jump right into it. So Brent is someone who is out here serving men at a high level, making sure that we are operating at our best. So I just want to jump right into it. So, brent, tell us kind of what you're doing now and who you are, and then I want to really go back after that and say, how did we get here? But I'll let you take it away right now.

Brent Dowlen:

All right. So I am the host and founder of the Fallible man podcast. We're a top 1% podcast and we are in the world of men's personal development relationships and that is my main platform. That's kind of where the whole thing kicked off from. At this point. We run men's conferences once a year. We have social media on everywhere which I'm not real fond of, but I try to do my best with and we're just trying to make an impact in the world of men in a massive way, because we feel like it's a very underserved community for half the population. It's a very underserved community when it comes to yeah, but what really do you want to do? Right, we hit this level of okay, we're adults, go get a job, go take care of your responsibilities, You're done. That's where you stop, and I don't think that's true.

RJ Campbell:

What do you mean by underserved?

Brent Dowlen:

I don't think men are encouraged to develop themselves past well, really potty training, but, sorry, I don't think we're encouraged to really develop ourselves past getting to that professional level of responsibility. Right, we're told to grow up, maybe go to school, get a job, get a home, build a family and that's your life, that's where it ends.

RJ Campbell:

That's it.

Brent Dowlen:

But I believe every man was born with a purpose and I think we live a much better fulfilling life when we work towards that purpose, when we align with. That Couldn't agree. I think it comes out in our marriages, our relationships, our friendships, our parenting, in our business world. Right I am. I'm a much better employee, our boss, when I'm living in alignment with my purpose.

Coach Dustin:

So I love that word alignment.

RJ Campbell:

Yeah, I do too.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, it's so true.

RJ Campbell:

We can use that right. Yeah, just copyright alignment.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, so brain. So obviously you have our heart with that, you know, with us on the same mission is, you know, helping other men out there? How did you get started in that? And the better question is why?

Brent Dowlen:

Oh, how well. The why is what starts that? So, for lack of a better explanation, I lost an argument with God. Hmm, faith, that faith is a very big part of my life. I grew up a preacher's kid. My father was domestic missionary. I'm a former youth minister and I still have a very deep passion for that, and I left youth ministry several years ago and Felt like I was in a resting time in my life, right where I was kind of rebuilding.

Brent Dowlen:

My last role as youth minister really took a lot out of me. It left me pretty beat up, and so I was kind of in this space. I was like okay, god, I did what you wanted me to do. And here I feel like I got the crap kicked out of me and I'm just, I'm done for a while. And I started feeling this very familiar sense of Purpose and attention. Right, god tapping me on the shoulder. It's like alright, you've had enough time to recover, it's time to get back at it. And it was very different because my passion had changed. What I really wanted, felt like I was supposed to be doing, was very different. But then I hit that imposter sitting in a room over you know. It's like who am I, god? That's really Talk to somebody qualified like I'm not that guy, this is not my cup of tea.

Brent Dowlen:

And I spent months like dragging my feet and agonizing and Praying and I ran from God once. I have a Jonah story. That's incredible, but I have my own Jonah story and because I did that once and it's like, okay, so that is not an option, because I have a family now, I don't want to drag him through all that. And so, kicking and screaming, I Reginally started writing a book. And I started writing this book and I got I think I was a hundred pages in and so I started looking at self publishing because, like well, no one, I'm a nobody so like random house isn't gonna snatch up my book, right. So I Thought, well, how do you self publish? I started looking into, that is like I got a building audience. So I did what everybody does and I thought, hey, I'll be insta famous, right, that's easy, anybody can be insta simple hundred percent.

Brent Dowlen:

So, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got this right. Two weeks into that journey, I realized I hate social media, not like it, like I just have a disdain for social media, and the longer I've had to be on it, the more of a disdain I have for social media. It's incredible, and so I Started social media and it's like I'm not gonna thrive here. This is not a good platform for me, right? And I still have those accounts which I've been really neglectful of. I've been trying to get more intentional about that.

Brent Dowlen:

Actually the last Two months I've been switching up gears on that, but I thought, okay, what's platform for me? Well, I talk a lot. I grew up a preacher's kid is so second nature and I don't even talk much compared to my dad, but I can talk forever About things I love, and so I thought, hey, I love podcasts, I'll start a podcast. And then I I started kicking around and it's like you know what I want to be non presumptive, because, as a guy, one of my biggest pet peeves is all those guys who pretend they got it all down.

RJ Campbell:


Brent Dowlen:

Yep, right, you guys get that. Yeah, absolutely Nobody wants to listen to those guys because we all know you're full of crap. Nobody's got it all worked out, and so I wanted that to be just prevalent from the beginning. So the fallible man pot guess was born out of that.

RJ Campbell:

Is that, hence the name, the fallible man?

Brent Dowlen:

Yep, I wanted to just be 100% transparent, like, look, I don't have all the answers. I'm a guy and I'm on a journey and I'm inviting you to go with me and learn from my experience and mistakes, as well as your own. And then I started expanding that and having guests on and stuff like that.

RJ Campbell:

Thanks, I love it. There's a gentleman here in St Louis We've had him on the podcast. His name's Dan Luigs and he has a men's podcast, a Christian based podcast, and when he felt God talking to him to start a podcast and it was going to be called the Christian dad and he said no, no, people mentioned that to me he said no, we're going to make it a journey, the journey of a Christian dad, because I do not have this figured out as a Christian dad. I am not the Christian dad, but I'm on the journey of one similar to what you're saying there. Yeah, we sure don't have a figured out on this end.

Coach Dustin:

No, we're doing this. Yeah, it's exactly right.

RJ Campbell:

Because we have to meet people like you that maybe know something we don't know.

Coach Dustin:

So how long has this been going on and how long have you been doing this type of work? Oh, wow.

Brent Dowlen:

So we started officially, launched, like I lined up everything, so my business license came through officially and I launched my first episodes. I launched with 10 episodes done on September 1st 2020.

RJ Campbell:


Coach Dustin:

Oh wow. And so how you mentioned the conference, I would love to hear more about that. We host our retreats as well. So at this conference, I mean, is this a small, intimate setting, or is it a large one?

Brent Dowlen:

It's in flux. We're in a growth state, right. So I actually have a background in doing large events like this. My father was a conference director. He used to direct a workshop. We'd have 8,000 people 7,000 people so small ones, yeah. Yeah, we actually took up a college campus, small college on the other side of the mountains, called Pacific Lutheran University, and we would be there for four days and three nights and we'd use the whole facility. Wow, we had amazing speakers from around the country and around the world and singing groups and classes all day long with these big keynotes and we'd have a children's program and a team program. Like it was a whole family event. So I grew up doing this.

Brent Dowlen:

My dad actually used to direct a workshop in St Louis called the Granger St Louis Workshop, something, something. It was a joint venture up there. He used to preach the DeSoto actually. Yeah, wow, we know it so, but I have this background. I still am actually one of the directors for a youth program that's been going for 40 years up here, and so when I launched it, it was like a very comfortable thing, but my wife and I had this kind of heart-to-heart moment where we were talking about it because she owns half the company. We're in this together and it's like, okay, we've been doing this online and we love this, but one of the things I miss with podcasting is that intimacy of real connection at a personal level, and so we decided that we wanted to take everything we were doing online and bring it home. And at this point, I had made all these amazing connections as a podcaster right. All these amazing people you meet, your guests on your show and stuff. And so back in 2022, I started thinking about it a little before that, but back in 2022, we launched the Phoenix Men's Conference here in Quincy, washington.

Brent Dowlen:

Now I live in nowhere Washington. Let me be really clear. This is a farming community and it's also a tech hub because of the land prices and the county put in a huge fiber network through this whole county. Years and years and years ago, no one knew, understood why we also have like the top three lowest power costs per kilowatt in the country. So now we have nine data centers here in town. Wow, we have data centers and we have farming. That's what you do in Quincy. But it takes time to build a conference of any size. You have to get on people's calendars, you have to find out. Okay. Well, I moved the dates a couple times to try and accommodate best parts of the year. Right, yeah, because it's an agricultural heavy community, I have to do it in the winter because otherwise everybody's at work. Oh yeah.

Brent Dowlen:

None of our farmers are coming to something in the middle of Hain season or corn.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, tractors blocking traffic, I get that.

Brent Dowlen:

Yeah, usually, as long as you stay off the side road, you're okay with that. But yeah, you don't. Once a season starts for one of our farmers, there's nothing else till they're done.

RJ Campbell:

Right, that's yeah.

Brent Dowlen:

So my first time I actually really screwed that up, totally lost sight of that, landed it on graduation weekend. It's a horrible mistake if you want people to come to your conference. So the second one was in February last year. But I have collectively reached out to different guests. I've had to be the speakers for this event. So last year I brought out I did four of my speakers in person and four of them are three of them. I did five of them in person and three of them online. For the conference we did a hybrid in person and virtual event simultaneously. Cool. I was broadcasting and doing it live and I had, you know, seven published authors. Three of them are TEDx speakers Excellent. But I live in this really small community that personal development isn't a big push.

RJ Campbell:


Brent Dowlen:

So they're like oh yeah, you're having something that's cool. Because they don't understand the value of what I'm bringing them. The chances of them hearing some of these guys ever in person is just, but it's been a journey.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, Something you said there was interesting. You know personal development is not big in your community, so why is personal development big for you? I mean, is that something that growing up in the church, or is that they? You know, how did you get involved in it?

Brent Dowlen:

That was one of those dawning realization moments, right? You have those few moments in life where something clicks like a light bulb, just clicks on. You're like holy crap, that just happened, right. So I'm 44 now. Right around the year I turned 40, it was like give or take a couple of weeks on that, because it was December I remember I got an email from my company and they were telling me they were moving the 401k.

Brent Dowlen:

Right Up until that, I'm pointing my life, a 401k is just something they said in the interview. Like I had no idea what that actually was. It had something to do with retirement, but I had this link to my 401k. I thought, hey, I should look at that like once, right, I should know. So I logged in my 401k and found out I had an existing account with Fidelity that I didn't know about Because apparently my last company rolled my old 401k into a rollover 401k with Fidelity. So I was like, okay, that's cool. But then I started looking at the numbers and trying to understand what I was looking at and I had this huge realization of I've had like $8,000 sitting in this account in a money account doing nothing. Just a cash account. Yeah, just a cash account right Now for all of us, for all of the listeners, your guys, your listener audience does a lot of business, so hopefully they all know this. Your money's pretty safe there, but it's not going to grow.

RJ Campbell:

It will not shrink. Yeah, it's not going to go away.

Brent Dowlen:

It's not going to do anything which I had no idea. I had no idea. I had to do something with my 401k and I had six years. It had been sitting there for six years doing nothing for me and I thought what else do I not know? Like my dad was not good with money, so it wasn't something I was taught growing up and, like I said, he was a domestic missionary, so it's not like he had money.

RJ Campbell:


Brent Dowlen:

But it's not something that was taught to me. But I was like, well, wait, if I didn't know this, what about all my other 401ks from my old companies I've worked at, Were they? What are they doing? And I just had this like light bulb moment of oh my goodness, I know nothing about money. Like I am financially stupid, just completely ignorant.

RJ Campbell:

So is that really the impetus for it? Here's what I don't know. What else don't I know, and how many other guys are in the same boat.

Brent Dowlen:

That was the launch is. I dove in that year and started like reading books and listening podcasts, trying to raise my financial IQ, and I actually got pretty good at it. I started really analyzing my 401k and realized my company is either lying about matching my funds or our manager has lost half of what should be in there. It's one of the two. So I actually stopped contributing to my 401k and started taking the money I would normally put in that and investing it myself. My accounts were doing much better than our 401k was, but I thought, if I can learn to do this thing that I've never been taught, I don't understand. What else can I do? That's right, this wasn't really that hard.

Coach Dustin:

What else can I do? So in this work, obviously you've discovered a lot about yourself and personal growth, and let's get into the meat and potatoes now. With all the business dads out there listening, what is your top three pieces of advice that you can sum up in a couple minutes for those business dads?

Brent Dowlen:

Number one is be intentional about every moment. It doesn't matter if we're talking about time with your spouse, with your kids or at work. When you're there, be there. If you're in your workout, be there. That is one of the biggest things that sidetracks everybody. We're so multi, we're trying to multitask and we're so bad at it. Everybody's bad at it. They all just lie to themselves and believe they aren't. So be intentional with your focus. 100% Love that.

RJ Campbell:

That fits right in.

Brent Dowlen:

Be present. Love it. Number two learn to time block. I know there are other time management systems and I've taught most of those and I'm familiar with most of those. Honestly, God's solid time blocking is probably one of the most powerful things in the world. When you combine it with that intentionality and then mix in time blocking, you're walking on a goal. This is going to take your game up so far and everything you do is unreal. Love that. It's a great one.

Coach Dustin:

There's a lot of people in there.

Brent Dowlen:

Yeah, and then locking in a single number three is hard. You have to align with the purpose. There it is Locking it down to the thorough insider. You have to align with your purpose. You were born with a purpose and that can reflect in everything you do and the way you interact with people and your business and your relationships. But when you find that everything else is going to feel more, it's going to feel easier.

RJ Campbell:

More easier. That's not redundant at all.

Coach Dustin:

No, I love that. That is an excellent three. I mean, guys go back and listen to that. Those three tips right there are huge and they're so, so true.

RJ Campbell:

So, brent, do you think that? So you grew up as a PK or pastor's kid. You've done youth ministry. Now that you've moved into this world, do you look back and think or, at this point, say, yeah, this is my purpose. I was put here to help men.

Brent Dowlen:

I was put here to help people and I believe that that's the bigger purpose, right. I think, at different phases of your life and your maturity, the base doesn't change, but the direction can Right. When I was in youth ministry, I was so, so deep in that and those kids were my whole world and I was there for every moment. I have held babies in the hospital for a 17-year-old couple and helped that 17-year-old dad learn to become a dad. Before I was a father, I have cut cute kids' hair and learn how to sew because they had nobody to do it for them and I was 100% aligned behind that. But in that moment I was teaching, I was growing, I was mentoring those young people. I believe right now this is my alignment. I'm still mentoring, teaching, helping men grow and walking with them, and I believe right now this is where I'm supposed to be.

RJ Campbell:

Yes, your passion, your purpose has not changed. Your purpose is to help people Coach, teach, mentor. Now it's just a different age group.

Coach Dustin:

So this morning, doing the research before our and prepping before our interview, I went to your YouTube channel and the one that caught my attention the most, which I think will catch a lot of men's attention, because I mean it was such a great title. But do you know that he knows what every woman wants?

RJ Campbell:

I'm trying to find the guy that knows what every woman wants.

Coach Dustin:

We found it right here and I actually I will admit that I got to the office so I didn't get to listen to all of it. I had to hear the. You know pretty much the premise of it, which I would let you take that away, but you know the premise. Summed that up, but yeah, he knows what all women want Son of a gun. I do.

Brent Dowlen:

He's the unicorn.

Coach Dustin:

I mean, he's so kind, I do, I do.

Brent Dowlen:

So, growing up who I am, the way I grew up like, I was going to marriage enrichment classes when I was in junior high. Like my whole life I have been going to marriage because at 12 years old I decided I will have lived a good life if at the end of my lifetime and, I think, thought about these things at 12 because my dad was a minister, right I went to a lot of funerals. I got to see a lot of people on their sick beds thinking about what was important to them, right. And so I had these thoughts at 11 and 12 years old and I decided if we could get to the end of life and if nothing else, people could say I was a good husband and a good father, it's a life well served, right. Amen to that. And so I really leaned into this. I was going to marriage classes and parenting classes my whole life. I've been married for 23 years now to an amazing woman who puts up with me, because I would not have stayed married to me in 23 years I'm a little too honest with myself about who I am for that, so I definitely would not have held out. So she's a gift from God and I've tried a lot of things right. My wife and I are very intentional about our marriage so we still go to marriage classes and seminars and Read books and we still actively try and put into our relationship. I follow several podcasts. My friends have one called the relationship trade secrets podcast Solid gold guys, solid gold. That couple is amazing.

Brent Dowlen:

But what I found in all of this is it boils down to the first thing we talked about was intentionality. Your spouse, that woman in your life, whether it's a girlfriend or a spouse, she wants you are pure, unadulterated, adulterated focus. That's what she wants. You know it's not a small ask Kids in a business you're trying to run, or three businesses you're trying to run and you know everything else. You're in your coaching little league. But what she wants was she absolutely. It scales everything. You can give her a nice house, jewelry, whatever does it for her normally right. It means nothing Without honest attention behind it. She wants to be that focus, whether that's that five minutes you have with her.

Brent Dowlen:

My wife came home just before you and I started recording this. She was only home for a few minutes and my youngest daughter was trying to ask her something. I looked at my youngest daughter. I said baby, I love you, be quiet. I've got five minutes to sync up with your mom right now and I need that. She's got to go. I got to go. I got five minutes Because in that five minutes it was her and I discussing what we needed to do to be in sync about everything else for the day. And it will go so far when you become intentionally focused on her, when you're with her, even if that's only a five minute increment, that undivided attention. Put your stupid phone down, stop doing everything else you're doing, turn off the television unless you are cut it up watching a movie together but be with her in that moment, that Discussion, the conversation or that quiet space. Be with her, about her. Everything else will. You'll get a pass on love that man.

Coach Dustin:

That was I could have said he knows a woman what yeah, no, pretty well.

RJ Campbell:

Yeah you might Brett might be coming back as our expert on marriage as our moment we have killer discussions on the marriage pillar.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, I like that. So you know, brett, you really hit home on a lot of things and you know we didn't prep this. You know and talk necessarily about us, but at the balance business dad, we help business dads, but we focus on six different pillars because that's what we're for lack of a better word trying to balance. Not that balance exists, but it starts literally everything you've said and that's faith, our health, our marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood in business, in that order. You know, I've coached all over the country and what I've seen is so many guys have that out of whack. And one of the things we talked about is the way to have balance Is to be present in the pillar you're supposed to be in at that time, right when I'm working out, I'm there. When I'm with God, I'm there. When I'm with my wife, I'm there, same with my children, same with my friends, and then same in my business, when it's time to get to work, it's time to get to work. So I love everything you had to say.

RJ Campbell:

That was awesome. Yeah, I mean it just so fits into what we have spoken about for these couple of years. It was great.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, be where your feet are. Yeah, it's the brother from another mother is what I gotta say. I love it.

RJ Campbell:

Yeah, I kind of figured this when we looked at it. When I found you online, I thought, man, it's so similar than we talked mainly towards business dads, but everything else it just aligned so much. Yeah, followers of God, we're just waiting for him to keep telling us what to do, Whether we listen or not. I realize that's him tapping on the shoulder because, yeah, we don't listen enough. We're getting there we're trying, it's a journey.

Coach Dustin:

It's a journey. I love that. So, Brent, where can people find you?

RJ Campbell:

Because we know you love social media. You want them to look all over for social media.

Coach Dustin:

This is my house address, much easier.

Brent Dowlen:

Come on over, knock on the door, we'll have a cup of coffee.

Brent Dowlen:

So actually I'm really trying to be intentional about Instagram. I'm trying to pick up my game on Instagram and, just like I've got a whole new content strategy, I've been deploying the last, I wanna say two months now. I heard Katie Brinkley talk at a conference and was like she gets it. I don't wanna be on this forever. So if you're on social media, instagram is my preferred. I'm at the Fallible man on almost every platform because I overdid it to start with, but Instagram is really my social I'm at. Otherwise, go to thefalliblemancom and I've got a weekly email that's just a recap of what our podcast were that week, so you can see what shows interest you, and I've got a bi-weekly that's got original content. They're the first people who learn anything about what's going on.

RJ Campbell:

So that's perfect, that'll be in the show notes. Yeah, well, this is great stuff.

Brent Dowlen:

I gotta tell you about the Read Me a Story Dad podcast. It's our passion project. We've done Read Me a Story.

RJ Campbell:

Read Me a Story Dad.

Brent Dowlen:

It's just men reading children's books on YouTube.

Coach Dustin:

Oh you, actually. He follows someone else, a different woman who does that, so I love that.

Brent Dowlen:

That's just. That's our newest passion project, is I? Just I felt moved to this and it's literally just like guys reading a book and turning the page, like kids sitting in front of them. It's nothing fancy. I do all the editing on it and just sign guys up to work with me on it, but we're just serving a neat man. It's awesome.

RJ Campbell:

Can I do it with my kids that are 33, 30 and 27 and having them sitting there?

Brent Dowlen:

I don't know how many books you wanna read to them that you would read to that age group. Yeah, you know.

RJ Campbell:

Yeah, I'm getting ready to go and be there. So my daughter is a kindergarten teacher and so they have surprise readers come in on Fridays. I didn't know that I'm going to go there to be the guest reader for the day and, believe me, when the kids see the teacher's dad, I mean that's cause teachers don't have dads. Teachers are just teachers. They are dads or moms. Yeah, so they're. She's so excited to have me come in, cause I'll be a goofy idiot reading whatever kids book she wants me to read. There'll be voices and characters. It's gonna be hilarious.

Brent Dowlen:

So that would be awesome for those kids. You're gonna knock it out for them.

Coach Dustin:

They're gonna love it. That's awesome. Well, this was great, brent. Stay in touch, for sure. Yeah, guys, thank you, make sure you read, listen to those tips. Those were great tips. Remember, you can find us at all. We we like so well, I like social media a little bit more, so we're we're around. But you go to the our free Facebook group is at the balance business, dad, you can go to dadupgroupcom and you can join right there, also with some little bit of free training on the data framework. And besides that, guys, remember to dad up because the people in your life deserve it. So that's what we got.

RJ Campbell:

That's it.

Coach Dustin:

I think so.

RJ Campbell:

All right, we'll see you next week, we're out.

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