The Balanced Business Dad

Rising through Adversity: An Aussie's Guide to Transformation and the Six Pillars of Balanced Living

RJ Campbell, Dustin Hoog and Neal Fisher Episode 77

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When Neal Fisher, an Aussie with a tale that's nothing short of a cinematic comeback, sits down with us, you know it's going to be a podcast episode that leaves you with more than just food for thought. He walks us through the labyrinth of his life, sharing the victories and defeats that have shaped his journey. This isn't just any man's story; it's a chronicle of transformation, resilience, and the sheer power of embracing change. As we engage in a thought-provoking conversation, Neal opens up about the six pillars of life that hold the key to balancing personal growth with the responsibilities of parenting.

Discovering oneself often comes through facing life's storms head-on, and Neal's narrative is a beacon of hope for anyone navigating through their own tempests. His raw account of divorce, bankruptcy, and health battles is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for rebirth. Join us as we examine the life-altering shift to minimalism, the pursuit of health, and the surrender to a higher power. Neal's approach to life, marked by adaptability and presence, offers invaluable insights for those seeking to turn their setbacks into stepping stones.

We wrap up this episode with a deep dive into the essence of personal development, where mastering the basics, such as nutrition and sleep, lay the groundwork for life's grander achievements. Neil emphasizes the transformative power of daily disciplines and the significance of growth as life’s ultimate pursuit. His poignant reflections on contributing positively to others and embracing the present moment are the kind of wisdom that doesn't just resonate with business dads, but with anyone looking to craft a life of substance. Stay tuned for an enriching discussion that might just be the catalyst for your next breakthrough.

You can find Neal at his website:
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Neal can be found on Instagram at: NealFisher_

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Dads, do you want a thriving business that doesn't control you, a passionate marriage and kids that adore you? Do you want to grow deeper in your faith, be healthier both physically and mentally, build more meaningful relationships with your friends? Welcome to the Balance Business Dad podcast, where, in each episode, we dive into balancing and optimizing the six pillars of life Faith, health, marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood and business. And here are your hosts, pioneers of the Balance Business Dad movement Dustin Hoag and RJ Campbell.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Hey, what's going on guys? Welcome to another episode of the Balance Business. Dad, I'm your host, Coach Dustin, with me is always the seasoned, the distinguished Mr RJ Campbell. Rj, what's up?

Neal Fisher:

Life is good. I say that every time I don't remember which one it is. Every time it's hot guys, it's February and it's freaking in the 80s here in St Louis I'm outside working today and I don't even want to say what I was sweating like yeah, it's hot, this is weird, it's winter, but it's 80 degrees. Yeah.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

So I'm going to cut RJ off, because we always hear him talk, because I'm super excited about our guests, because this is someone that we've actually tried to get on the show more than once and we couldn't. I'm going to let him tell the story of what was going on, but I'm super excited to hear the story too, because it's the first time I'm hearing the story of what happened and how we get through journeys. But every guy that's listening to this, we all have a story. We all have a journey. So take notes how you can get through your journey and how you need to understand that you are on a journey that could be similar to someone else's too. So sometimes it helps to tell that story, but without further ado, from on the other side of the world, mr Neal Fisher. Neal, how are you today? My fantastic.


If I was feeling any better, I'd be you.

Neal Fisher:

I like it. I love it I like it.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

I like it. So, Neal, I'm sure they can kind of get a glimpse real quick, because you just said hello. But where are you from? Where are you right now?


Australia, best place in the whole world, Love it.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

That's awesome. I don't know anything about it, but except for Crocodile Dundee.


Oh, there you go.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Matthew McConaughey did a summer there and he talks about it in his book. So, yeah, awesome. So, neil, we're just going to kind of give it to you kind of who you are, what you're about, what your story, what your journey is, and kind of how you can help these dads.


Yeah, simple man, it's like my story is your story, it's every one of our stories. It's the primary archetype, the hero's journey. I mean every single one of us. We have a calling, we have a signal within, a deep fear or a pain or a sensation that needs to expand and it comes out. And we all know when we're unhappy in life we can feel it. You might not know exactly what it is, but we know we need to change, we know we need to accept that call.


And here's the thing you have to accept that call, you have to put in effort, you have to take that step because if you don't, you will automatically just destroy yourself. And like that's the nature of reality is the compound effect. You're either steadily and slowly ascending or you're steadily and slowly and then rapidly you'll decline. And so that's really what it's about. It's about putting in that consistent daily effort, especially as a dad and I haven't got children myself, but I had a good dad, a great dad, I mean as far as, like you know, the poker hand, the poker dealing hand of life gets thrown at you I had a great mother and a great dad, so I was very lucky. So, because of within myself, I can see the difference that makes within me, even though not being a dad, what an actual, a strong, positive role model of a dad can be, and I mean mums and dads.


That's one of the most important things there is in this life and in this planet, because that's the role of initiation, the responsibility we have of actually passing on not just messages but actual embodiments, showing people the way, showing people how you should act, a standard of behavior, a standard of living, you know, a level of power and mastery that is just absolutely critical to us, not only as families and friends, but as a species as a whole. I mean we forget that sometimes. We forget that we are actually an organism on this planet. We're a species, not just some you know some fucking artificial, you know character floating around in this artificial environment. We're a living, breathing organism that bleeds blood. I mean, there is, you know, a lot to be said about that and there's a lot that we need to do about that. Any questions?

Coach Dustin & RJ:

So there's a couple of things I want to Come back on. Yeah, Well, who?

Neal Fisher:

what is your?

Coach Dustin & RJ:

journey. You know what was going on when we tried to book you last time. Yeah, you know, you said you went through the belly of the beast and I love that. So tell us about your journey and kind of what you discovered along the way.


Yeah, no worries, I mean I was just in two sentences, my first if it happened the first time in my early twenties. You know divorce, you know bankruptcy, ill health and just just a total scrambled mind and the total scrambled life. And then that began the long, hard process of 10 years of, you know, indentured servitude, with hard labor to pay off all my debts and to rebuild myself. You know, emotionally, financially and spiritually. You know I couldn't, I couldn't, you know, have fun in my twenties. What fun was was actually numbing the pain, alcohol, drugs, fast food, you know pornography, all of this immature crap that just destroys us, just a simple pleasure seeking, just just depleting our reserves, our neurochemicals, and that you know that whole process. You know that was 10, 12 years and I got through that.


And then it happened again, except for at least this time I didn't drink anymore, I didn't smoke or I didn't take drugs anymore and I didn't eat bad food. So I was still in the same small town that I'd grown up in and, like I started with a deep pain, a deep yearning within an expansion. I didn't, I knew sort of what it was, but it was more of an overriding feeling of where I need to go, and we all have this. It's something within calling out to us and I just had to sever it. I had to go through the initiation. I had to go through the threshold which involved selling everything I owned, breaking up with the girl that I was with, leaving behind everything, everyone I knew, every. You know all the pet, you name it, the whole thing, my whole identity had to shift. And so I went to leave town in my ute, and the day I went to leave town, my ute blew up and I was like crap, is this a sign or is this a test? And that's what's gonna happen. You're gonna get tests when you accept the call. Things are gonna come up, because whenever you try to will something into existence, you're gonna bring up the polarity, the polar energies of the universe, which is the creator and the destructor. That's why, when you wanna change, you have all these voices in your head, you know, giving you excuses, because you know it's that positive, negative, creation, destruction, night day, the duality of existence. So, anyway, the ute blew up and I thought, fuck, is this a sign to stay or is this a test to leave?


Because in the back of my head I had that I wanted to become an absolute minimalist and get down to the level of only what I have in my body my bag and my bank account, that's it. If I can't strap it to my body, it doesn't matter, because here's the thing, fellas the only thing, the absolute, only thing you can ever own in this entire world is your body and your physical presence, that's it, nothing else. Everything is external, everything else is just matter, whereas this, right here, this is what's most important. Keep this shiny, keep this run and fluidly. I mean, look at anybody that has any level of affluence as soon as their health comes up, none of that shit matters. When your health comes up, the only thing that matters is being healthy, that's it. And your family and your loved ones, that's it. So that's the only thing. So that was me. It was like an acceleration of the force, the unconscious, universal animator that drives everything. Doesn't matter what you believe, it's about, what you're aware of, and there is a higher power that animates us all.


So, anyway, I was there and I stayed at my friends and I was desolate and I'm thinking crap, what do I do? And I thought I know what I'll do. I'll do what every single other person I've read about or learned about is I'll go and find the master. I'll go on the trek, the voyage, to go and see the master and the most successful person I knew. The master was Uncle Paps, who lives in New Zealand, auckland, and he was wealthy, been married happily 27 years, three kids, eight grandkids, and he was like a competition bodybuilder, competed internationally. He's just an absolute fucking champion. So I thought, right, I'll go and see him.


And I was looking for a new home. So I got on the. So what I did? I had not much time left to my passport. I ordered a new passport so I thought I might end up staying in New Zealand. Got on the plane from Cairns, which is Northern Australia, flew down to Brisbane, which is like a capital city in the middle of it, in the middle coast, east coast of Australia, and then went from the domestic terminal to the international terminal, went to get on the plane oh, hang on a minute, sir, we just need to ring immigration. I thought you know.


I had health powders and shit like that in my bag, I thought maybe they think they're drugs. They didn't think they were drugs. My passport was now invalid because I'd ordered a new one, so I wasn't going to New Zealand. I got lobbed there in a big city but I didn't know anybody and for a second I went crap. And then, not even half a second later, I went yes, because I knew at that point the higher power guides us when we get the hell out of our own way. I know this is a sign, this is a test of my new philosophy body bag bank account. That's it. So wherever I am is my home, no worries. Fruised around for a bit, my sister lived about an hour away. Hey sister, guess what? Surprise, surprise, come on down. And then from there, just a whole new life just spawned. The people I met, the experiences I've had, the realizations, all of this stuff and friends that I had down here on the Gold Coast is where I am now. So now I've just made this whole new, entire life in this whole new area, made all these new friends without knowing a single fucking person well, three people. But then, just now that I'm more happier and more directed and more focused and more expansion.


Like the pain in the chest, it's not there anymore. It disappeared. And you know why? Because fear is a compass. There's two types of fear. There's the primary fear of death, and there's the secondary fear, which is our guidance, which is the will of our conscience. Whatever you want to call it, it's the internal compass that always points true north. Whatever you are most afraid to do, that's what you need to do. That's where your growth and your strength is on the other side of fear. Everything you want is on the other side of fear, and that's what's happening now. So don't have the pain anymore. It's not there. And here's the beauty.


The biggest thing about that belly, of that beast, was the comfort, was the ability, was the call of comfort. Going back home, I can just go back to my small town. I can just go back to my shit job. I can just go back to that old relationship. I can just go back to living how I was. You can't do that. That'll be the biggest pain.


Because here's the thing there's no discomfort like comfort. The more comfortable you are, the more you corrode. And it's really that simple. It's insidious. The things that you want to do are getting in the way of the things that you need to do. When you just do what you want, it's easy. But then guess what? Through the compound effect later in life it gets hard, deathly hard. Because the thing is, it's not death you should be worried about, it's the dying. Dying can last 20 years. Dying is suffering. Death itself is painless. That's your release Back to the ether, back to the source, if you've enlightened yourself and unified yourself in that process, whereas when you take the hard path, the true calling, it starts off hard at first.


It's uncomfortable, it hurts, it's painful, it's a struggle and doubt and fear. But over time you set up your regimes, you regiment yourself, you organize yourself and you consistently create a system for your life that will automatically make you powerful. Given enough timeline, it gets easy. My life is so easy.


It's not funny now because I don't have to think about it. I don't have to think about a single fucking thing. I just have to let go of thought and just follow the call, follow the intuition, and just keep moving. Just keep moving forward with speed, because here's the most important thing you always move forwards. If you don't move backwards, I mean, what does that mean? It means if you don't drink, smoke, take drugs, fucking all that shit, all that stuff we know we shouldn't do you automatically move forward. So all of this ties back into being a great dad is because when you be those things, that's the best thing for your kids. They're not going to listen to a single word you say. They're not. They're going to look at what you do and they're going to emulate what you do. Simple as that. You know, actions speak louder than words and that rocks out.

Neal Fisher:

Yeah, absolutely. We say that all the time. It's caught, not taught. Yeah, that's where kids learn everything from us. They don't listen to us, that's for sure. That's not their job. Their job, our job, is just to show them the way. Damn, there's a lot of stuff that I didn't.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

There was.

Neal Fisher:

By the way, everybody, we want to welcome you to the Neal.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Fisher podcast. Yeah, so that was good. A couple of things I went on back there. Well, first of all, it was the you know, 10 years ago. You're going through that dark time with the divorce and bankruptcy where you say drinking, drugs, porn, all of it. How did you pull yourself out of that? And then, what was different the second time? You had this big obstacle or this big challenge, and how was it easier, better, quicker, whatever to get out of it the second time? And how did you get out of them?


Way quicker, way easier. The second time way, way quicker, way easier, but more painful. Well, actually not. No, sorry, I take that back. Not as painful as soon as you go through your first downfall. Because here's the thing. Like I say, my story is your story, it's all of our stories. There's always an ascent and a downfall. I mean, that's just the archetypal story of every path of initiation. Every, every every man, woman on this planet goes through that, particularly men. You know the hero's journey.


How pulled myself out of it was a mentor, guidance, a master, because ultimately, all of the answers, everything you need, it's all within you, built, formed, born with everything that you need. And it's like that's the thing a child you look at, a child, right, a child is born pure. They're happy, they're caring, they're sharing, they're spontaneous, they're full of fun and curiosity. That gets beaten out of us. We already have that in this. We just forget about it, and that's where the problem is. We forget who we are and what you end up needing is you need someone from without. How's this ray of light going on here? I feel like I'm heavenly. There we go.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

You need someone from without to show you the way I love it.


I love it, thank you. The force beckons again. You need a master and that's the path. Literally the masculine path of initiation is a spiritual teacher, an elder, a shaman, someone to put you through the trials and pains and challenges, to rid yourself of your infantile temptations and instant gratifications and from there that's when you can go through the pain which leads you to your purpose, because you get rid of the world of the mother or the pleasure seeking or the stimulation, all of the world of the womb, where everything's comfortable and warm and all that crap. I mean that stuff's good for a kid, that good stuff's good for a boy, but that is just destroys a man, because you look at most men they're not men, they're a boy trapped in an old man's body.


So how did I pull myself out of it? I found a master and I just started doing small little things Started eating better, started going, got my sleep back in town in tune, educated myself, stopped all the back steps, all the drugs, the alcohol and all that sort of shit, ate clean food. And it's a long process. I mean you just start with those basics and the thing is, fellas, the basics are the most important, the most fundamental things in life for anything. You're not ready for anything else until you can master those basics. We try to go beyond that and build a billion dollar business. We try to go to beyond that and build a million view podcast. But if you're not eating right, if you're not breathing right, if you're not drinking water, if you're not getting the correct physiological inputs and exerting your body and actually using the physical capability in the three-dimensional plane, you're not ready for anything else. And why does nobody do it? Because they're the basics and they're boring. That's why nobody does it because they're so boring. But you have to do it every day and that's how I got myself out of it. And that's how I got myself out of it.


The second time is I already had that neurological muscle memory and that awareness built into me and because I had a great dad, he pulled me out of the shit that first time. If I didn't have my great father who was coming around every day helping me out, clean up the house so we could renovate it, fix it, sell it on, that's what pulled me out. My best mate and always will be and always was was my father and that's what pulled me out. To be honest with you is that, and a higher mentor, and same with the second time around. Same with the second time around recently, three months ago, talking to my dad about it Because he'd been through the same thing a million times.


So, following his advice, and he said to me most importantly, stay the course. And that's the thing, fellas. When we make these big decisions, when we go to expand out in the world, we have to stay the course. You're gonna get all of these nigglings and people in your ear telling you to do this and do that, because that's what they do, because they're little bitches and they're not gonna. You know they don't understand that there's a higher reality and that you can become so much more. They're gonna tell you to do comfortable and go and do all this crap. So that's how I go through. It is my dad.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Man I love that.

Neal Fisher:

That's a mentor.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

But the getting through it by performing the basics.

Neal Fisher:

Yeah, I'm sitting here thinking about the real sport of American football, not their football or basketball, both. So in football we always talk about coaching, the blocking and the tackling the boring stuff, blocking and tackling. And basketball focus on dribbling, passing and shooting Boring stuff. But you gotta get those basics and that's what you're talking about the fundamentals, the boring shit that you have to do.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

It's in business too. You can tell who's the athlete and who's the business guy here. But in business too, you have to lead, generate, you have to know your numbers and you have to give good customer service. Basic, that's what you have to do every day. Boring Every day in business, and boring, you know. Jaco Willink, you know, talks about how discipline equals freedom. That's what it is, and it's so. I love to hear the story of what pulls you out of the pit. Whatever you wanna call it was. Just getting back to the basics Love.


That that's huge, yes it's not For all the dads out there listening.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

if you're going through something right now, yeah, if you're going through something right now. Look at your sleep patterns Right. Look at the what you're putting in your body. You know the food and the drink is so important. You know we even talked about it yesterday with talking about gut health. Your gut controls so much of your body, so why wouldn't you focus on this? Because it all does go back to everything else. Focus on our number two pillar.

Neal Fisher:

I mean, if, neil, in his own way, you know we talk about it from the Christian side of it, but you know you're talking about the universe and the higher power For us faith is number one, whatever it that is that your faith is in. You know, for us it's Christianity, but and faith and then it's health, number two. If you don't have your health, I mean we preach on it all the time because that's our second pillar, the most important thing, yes, before marriage and fatherhood. For a reason, because if your health is bad, those two things don't even matter. You might not be around and if you are around you're crappy. So that's why you've got to focus on it. We haven't even had a chance to get into the whole building and nation from within. We're going to have to have the Neil Fisher part two someday to have you on the podcast.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

We'll talk about what you do. Well, I want to. I want to, in simple as much as we can consolidate this. A couple of things. I want to make sure that we leave some of these dads with which I love getting back to the basics. But if you were in front of a dad, a business dad right now, who maybe that is going through the shit, but shit could be on the horizon, what would you tell them?


Well, I would tell them that that shit is on the horizon, that shit is always on the horizon, and what determines whether we eat that shit or whether we just pass it by is our daily disciplines, our daily actions, like you say. The discipline thing, the boring stuff. And here's the thing. The reason that stuff is boring is because we're addicted to pleasure, we're addicted to overstimulation. The evolutionary mismatch and that's why we feel so drained is because our brains are fried from all this information that we don't actually really need. Just pull yourself out of it and just go back to those basics. I mean, are you doing the fundamentals? I say I want a better life. If you want a better life, what is life? Life is a living, breathing, respiring, functioning organism. That is life.


I'll tell you the meaning of life right now. The meaning of life is life itself, this moment. Life doesn't need a meaning to exist. It just is. It's just this expansion. And because we're overstimulated and we're addicted to pleasure, always looking for meaning in things, there is no meaning to life. It's just this beautiful symphony that just plays.


But I can tell you the purpose of life. The purpose of life is growth. And how do I know that? Look at life itself. Every single organism on this entire planet, every single life form. They all strive forwards to become as big and as powerful and as expansive and as influential as they possibly can. I mean, look at a tree. How big is it going to grow? Jim Rohn said it A tree will grow as big as it possibly can. It doesn't have self doubt, it doesn't have sabotage, it doesn't have any complacency or laziness, it just does that automatically. Because here's the thing for anybody that's got shit on the horizon, how you can fix it or get yourself together is matter over mind. What do I mean by that? If you want to affect the mind, affect the body, start exercising, start eating that good food, do all those things that you need to do, and here's the thing, the reason you might have negativity or self doubt or angst or conflict, or being torn within in the brain.


Saying that is because it's true. It's saying you suck, because you do suck, you're not doing these things, you're not calling the conscious and you can't think your way out of that. What you have to do is you have to use your body, and it's like a car. It's like a car towing another car or trailer. What do you start using the body, the mind still stuck here.


Once you start using your body and then actually you do these right things, these fundamentals, well then you are awesome, you actually are good. Then your brain, as it toes, and it pulls up your attitude, comes with it. The matter pulls the mind and then you do feel good and you don't have to try and rationalize and go to therapy and use all these deep seated trickery of the brain or any of that crap. You automatically feel good about yourself because you are good, because you're hitting the basic fundamentals of our reality, which is using, of an organism which is using this body. But then, on the reverse, is the time delay. It takes time for the mind to catch up, but then, as soon as you stop pulling with the body, it takes time for the mind to slow down.


Once you get your momentum, it's harder to stop than it is to start. Once you get your momentum, you can start slacking. Oh, I just have a drink on Saturday. Oh, I might just eat a bit more fast food. Oh, I don't feel like going to the gym Because you've got the momentum of that positive attitude. You can rationalize it and still feel great. But then what will happen? Because you stop. Then eventually you run into a brick wall and then you're desolate and then it's even harder to start again because, number one, you've got the doubt and the uncertainty of your ability to reinitiate and start something. You've got the habit for nation. Neurologically, your brainstem is going to be harder to overcome that inertia. So that's pretty much what I say to people is just start and just keep going. It doesn't have to be drastic. Consistency beats intensity. Every day of the week.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Love that yeah.



Coach Dustin & RJ:

Well that was a great answer, you know, and again we might have to bring you on. But what are you doing now, neil? What does your world look like right now? And we'll close with that.


My world looks like this moment. That's what my world looks like and that's what I realize. It's all within, it's all within the seat of your consciousness. My world looks beautiful in every moment. I mean, I just do the basics to everything I talk about here. I do that, I do these podcasts and I write and everybody I meet.


It's not about, you know, everybody I meet, I was this person going to be a customer? Can I coach this person? What it's about? It's about how could I make this person's life better? And that's really the fundamental thing is because us, as a species, collectively, it's each one of us doing our little piece autonomously to affect the other person. You know, you don't need to rule the world, you just need to rule your world and affect other people's worlds. So my life looks like building. My life looks like setting a new standard and reaching as many people as possible to spread this message for our species, because we're at a critical point in history now. It's like the crux Are we going to go into a technocratic dark age or are we going to ascend and become the ultimate species that we know of? It's really a choice and there's no middle ground, because taking no action is the worst action you can take, because from there you automatically choose degeneration. And one final thing I didn't actually finish my story. From the start I loved that.


I'll wrap it up in about three minutes. So I thought I'd made it. I was arrogant, I was in the Gold Coast to have my new life and the master, the wizard, across the water in New Zealand. He reached out to me and said, hey, you're still coming over. And I said, oh, I'm not sure, I don't think so. And then, being as wise as he is, he just sent back this message that was concise but clear, and it just hit me back in the chest, back in that pain, that fear, compass, and I went yeah, I need to complete the mission.


So what ended up happened? I'd done the scary thing, went to the other country, met this guy that I'd only just met online. We'd known each other from a previous course, we'd done, but never actually met each other. And I made the track, made the track, finished the journey, and it was like you know, it was like meeting Gandalf or something like that. You know what I mean. And this guy absolutely just revolutionized. Revolutionized my entire understanding, existence, perception and ability to connect and be of this world.


So I'll leave it with that. Is that fellas? You wanna be that great dad? Well, start with you, take that journey, Give up all the negativity, all the vices. No more back steps, forward steps and, above all, go and seek help, seek guidance. Don't be so proud to think that you know it all, because guess what Nobody does. And the more you think you know, the more you're attached to thought and the more you're just gonna get in your head because you'll become so clever, you become stupid. And now I come back. And then now here I am, talking to you guys. What an adventure.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Awesome. I love that. Guys, this was great. Sure we can carry this conversation on. You know this is kind of what our goal is is to help every dad out there. You know it's not like we have all the answers. We seek help on a daily basis. We have coaches as well as we coach, but I would love to help you guys out as well, so join us. It's free Facebook group the balanced business dad. We also have the private mastermind, the dad up council. You can find all of that on Facebook. You can go to dadupgroupcom, get right into the Facebook group from there. Neil, this was an awesome story and guys.

Neal Fisher:

How do we find Neil?


Yeah, how do we find Neil?

Neal Fisher:

How do people find you?


Oh easy, mate. Just Instagram or Facebook. Just go on Instagram, neil, n-e-a-l-f-i-s-h-e-r. Underscore one word, just find me on there. Or Facebook, same thing. You'll see my head with the red scorpion tail in the background. The send me a message. I'll just get back to you straight up. Or go to my website, wwwtheunifiedmancomau, because we're in Australia. You'll find the link to my book. You'll find the link to my book on the website. There it's just straight away, first up, and there's a lot to be covered. We've covered the story and the what. We'll do another episode and then we can go into the how. Then we can go into the building the nation and from within. What does that mean and how do we action and how do we actually develop that system, that regimentation, become powerful and then unlock our genius? I love that.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

This might be our first one, Neil might.

Neal Fisher:

we've never had a repeat right. Nobody's been on more than once, no. I think we might be committing to that. There's gonna be a Neil Fisher part two.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

Yeah, I love it, so we have to get into the fight.


There has to be mate. There has to be mate. I can see Tolkien.

Neal Fisher:

We're gonna do that.


I need to bat another half-way off. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Neal Fisher:

We can tell you pretty quiet, but we were able to pull Neil out of his shell. Yes, yeah.


Well, awesome guys.

Coach Dustin & RJ:

That's what we have today. Remember to dead up because the people in your life deserve it. And RJ, you got anything else?

Neal Fisher:

I don't have anything else. Is that it? Are we done?

Coach Dustin & RJ:

I think so, Neil. This talk to you soon.

Neal Fisher:

All right, guys, we'll be right back.

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