The Balanced Business Dad

Cultivating Daily Motivation in the Dad Entrepreneur's Journey

RJ Campbell and Dustin Hoog Episode 71

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Dads, are you ready to ignite that spark and keep it burning all year round? Coach Dustin and RJ Campbell are here to fan those flames of motivation and discipline, ensuring that even when the novelty of the new year fades, your drive to succeed remains unwavering. We're laying down the law of daily discipline with a nod to Zig Ziglar's timeless wisdom, and equipping you with practical tips to make those micro goals your guiding stars. Whether you're fine-tuning your morning routine or adopting a blue-collar mindset to push through the grind, we've got your back. And remember, your entrepreneurial spirit is a force to be reckoned with, especially when you've got your own well-crafted goals as the boss.

In our latest heart-to-heart, we're not just talking about time-blocking as a trendy concept; we're revealing it as the ultimate secret weapon in your arsenal against procrastination. And for those of you hungry for more, we're serving up a steady stream of mental nourishment through books, podcasts, and the occasional YouTube binge to spark your inner visionary. RJ and Dustin also lift the veil on the transformative experience of mastermind and coaching groups – think of it as your own personal think tank where motivation and support are in ample supply. By embedding continuous learning into your routine, you're setting the stage for endless motivation and personal growth.

As we wrap up this wisdom-laden chat, we stress the immense power of reflection. Taking a page from the books of Dr. Ben Hardy and John Maxwell, we encourage you to celebrate every victory and recognize the ripple effects your achievements have on those around you. This isn't just about personal fulfillment; it's about the broader impact on your family, your business, and the community. By embracing this perspective, you'll uncover a wellspring of motivation that goes beyond the personal and taps into something much larger. So grab a dad pal who could use a motivational boost, and share this episode – it's a small gesture that can spark a big transformation.

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Dads, do you want a thriving business that doesn't control you, a passionate marriage and kids that adore you? Do you want to grow deeper in your faith, be healthier both physically and mentally, build more meaningful relationships with your friends? Welcome to the Balanced Business Dad Podcast, where, in each episode, we dive into balancing and optimizing the six pillars of life Faith, health, marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood and business. And here are your hosts, pioneers of the Balanced Business Dad movement Dustin Hoag and RJ Campbell.

Coach Dustin:

What's going on everyone? Welcome to another episode of Balanced Business. Dad, I'm your host, coach Dustin, with me is always the seasoned, the distinguished Mr RJ Campbell. Rj, how are we doing? We're doing good. It's a new year, it's a new year, it's a new year. So that's crazy. I hope everyone had a very safe and happy new year, but now we're in it. We're in it. Holiday season's over, buckle up. No more excuses, let's roll yeah.

Coach Dustin:

Get your ass back to work. We're just going to jump right into this one because I think it's so crucial right now, because in a couple weeks, this new year glow, this new year, new me BS is going to wear off. The gyms are going to start going back to normal volume, just everything, really. Even the libraries, I heard, get busier during this time just because people are there working more on themselves that kind of thing. So it's all going to wear off in a couple weeks, guys, that's just the reality of it. We've talked about this on a couple episodes ago when it talked about resolutions. So now the conversation we need to be having, to stay extremely focused for this year and beyond is how do we motivate ourselves daily? Because, as Zig Ziggler or is it Jim Rohn, I think it was Zig it used to say motivation is like showering. You need it daily.

Coach Dustin:

I did not know that one, but it's true, because motivation wears off. Discipline is much different, which actually discipline is what we all really need, but we have to stay motivated to get to that discipline and to move forward. So what we're going to talk about today is just that how do we keep ourselves motivated to pull us along when we don't want to do it?


Right. So yeah, this all came about again talking to one of the dads in the dad up council and the first conversation was how do you get motivated on those days where you just feel like blah? And then it went to. The next step was just how do you stay motivated every day? What do you do motivationally every day? So that's where the conversation went and thought, wow, it's pretty good we should talk about this in more detail with Coach Dustin involved.

Coach Dustin:

So there's a couple of things with it. And what a backup. And I gave this lesson before and it was interesting. I heard this lesson listening to a book driving across the state from St Louis to Kansas City once and it really hit me because I was driving with all these semi truckers. Right, we're on the interstate, there's a bunch of semi drivers and, as business owners, if we started coming from and I'm trying not to characterize what I'm going to coming with the mentality of the blue collar worker mentality, would we be more successful in our business. Now let me back up as a business owner, if you've had a stuffed up nose, have you just not went in because technically you didn't have to? Or have you just not went in because you didn't feel as good as you could have, right? But that truck driver, if they have a stuffed up nose you're going to have to go back to, they're gonna still drive, right. Yeah, they're gonna go to the factory, they're gonna be the linemen, whatever it is, because that's what they do.



Coach Dustin:

Right, they're probably not feeling 100% all the time, yet they just do it.


Get stuff done because they have to, it's their job.

Coach Dustin:

Correct. And as business owners, I think sometimes that's what we have to come up with, that mindset. Now, that's a challenge. I'm not gonna say it's hard, but it is a challenge. So we have to work on through that, right? So what are ways we can motivate ourselves? So RJ, of course he has a list, he has notes. He's gonna read some of that list and then I'm gonna sum it up we're gonna kind of break it into time zones.


Morning, your morning ritual. Now, I did see a classic meme the other day, because you know, we have these morning rituals we have to do now, and this one started with your meditation, prayer time, and then your journaling and then your affirmation, and then, of course, go to your workouts and then at about 2.30 in the afternoon, you finish your morning routine that people told you you would need to be doing. So now we can try to get some work done, so true, so anyway, that was a half-ass attempted humor on a segue there. But yeah, the morning routine. How do you utilize a morning routine and how can you to stay motivated?


Now, a couple of the ones I'd written down which you see, all the time You'd practice mindfulness, meditation could be prayer, exercise, routine. You know, are these motivations? I see them as a motivation because it's just getting up. It's like Admiral, what's his name? You know, make your bed, make your bed, you know it's getting up, getting something done. I get up, I get on my bicycle at 6 o'clock in the morning at least, I'm starting and I'm moving, and then I go into prayer and time in the word.

Coach Dustin:

So I think the key word that you said there was routine, and when we have a routine and we say we're going to do something and then we do it, our confidence immediately raises because we kept our word, we're in integrity, which also leads to motivation, because I said I was going to do this. I did it, so boom. Well, I also said I was going to do this and now I have to do that. It's a momentum feeling.


Yeah, and you say momentum. Is that really? Because I look at some of these. You know, when you see that list of, oh, you should journal or you should do your gratitude or spend your time in prayer or getting your exercise, I would have not normally said, oh, that's motivation, that's something I read that in a Zig Ziglar book. But it's the routine. It's like Dustin has mentioned before. Going to the gym is sometimes just getting up, driving there and putting your hand on the doorknob Because then you're going to go in. You probably will go in, but at least it's a first step. Yes, really, the momentum. Is that what these are? You're getting up, you're starting your day with something.

Coach Dustin:

With something Now, the whether it's gratitude, whether it's prayer, whether it's journaling, whether it's all of them. You get to decide that, because it's what moves you forward is, what do you feel good after doing Right now? There's been studies and sciences proved that a lot of people do feel good after journaling and praying and being in gratitude. So I do like all of those. I don't believe I believe you can multitask some of those, though.


I think some of those to me blend into very similar things.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, 100%. And I think that my gratitude time is a lot when I'm driving. You know one of my thankful for that kind of thing and you know, because I do commute back and forth, so I think there's a lot of that. So I entwine that I feel 100% better when I work out in the morning physically. And if you feel better physically you're more apt to do something. So that's that other motivation for me, Right? Because I feel better. So that's my daily motivation. If I don't feel as good, if I feel lethargic, that I'm not motivated to do something. If that makes sense.


Yeah, yeah, it does. So it's motivation in a different way, not a motivation like a goal motivation, necessarily, but it starts the process.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, so I think that's why these morning routines are sitting out there, and sometimes the motivation behind doing something is are the feeling behind doing something, is the motivation I'm motivated to work out in the morning because I feel better. I'm motivated to journal because it puts me on a clarity path for the day, right. I'm motivated to be prayer because I'm closer to God, right. So the motivation is actually the feeling you get from doing something.


Yeah, I could see that for sure. Yeah, there's no doubt about it, that that's just kind of going off the top of it.

Coach Dustin:

But the motive is the eating healthy. Yes, it's to be healthy and to feel fit, that kind of thing.


But ultimately for me I feel better is not to feel like crap. We were just talking about this morning because we're doing these, recording this, on a Saturday morning. Dustin just got back in town, so in the studio early and then we were talking about a deli that we love that's down the street from here, which only has one size sandwich huge and it's probably a foot long. So that's a lot of bread and we love going there and then you feel like garbage all afternoon because you're not going to stop eating it because it's delicious, so I don't care that I'm full. So there's your talk about eat healthy sometimes just to feel better, just literally because you don't feel like garbage. Yeah, which simple.

Coach Dustin:

This is kind of going to go off a little bit of topic.


We're off all over the place Feelings.

Coach Dustin:

You hear so many times people say don't care about your feelings, just go do it. But I'm going to say there's a different feeling in there too when you do it. So maybe Focus on the right feeling. I'm gonna eat this seventh cookie Because it feels good and it tastes good. That's a feeling, but there's always. There's a pro and a con or an opposite feeling to something. Right? The opposite feeling is I'm not gonna eat that seventh cookie because I'm going to feel better. So let's focus on the right feeling to motivate us. Right, we can be focusing on our feelings. Just make sure you're focusing on the right one, right?


So kind of interesting. I don't know that one really led to, but yeah, so kind of kicks it off, that's I think. So again, we're just talking about what do you use daily to stay motivated? Yeah, just motivated to get out there and get stuff done. Oh, this is one that you know, everybody knows it's my favorite goal setting smart goals.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, I never remember where that stands for a civic measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. There we go smart goals.


There's a million other acronyms, there's a lot of those goals and this I do like Daily targets, because we are talking about how to stay motivated daily when your smart goal is to, you know, hit a million dollars in sales by the end of the year, and it's January 3rd. That's a long way away. Yeah, but small. I like the term micro goals. What is the micro goal for today? That's a motivation you can do. That's something that Absolutely attainable.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, I think goals I use it a lot more in vision planning, which is a little bit different conversation, but goals pull you forward or they should pull you forward. If it's the right goal, it pulls you forward when you don't want to be pulled forward, right. So if we have this goal for, let's just say, a million dollars in sales, that's pulling us forward because we have to do things to hit that Right and we see that your goal, especially for all of our business owners and our self-employed people out there your goal is your boss. You have to answer to your goals. You have to answer to your boss, right.


Yep, so there's your daily motivation. Yeah, on that. So even though that goal is really far off, you have that goal written somewhere, you see it. So, yeah, goals are pretty basic. Yeah, but especially the micro goals. What is the little goal for today?

Coach Dustin:



Breaking things down into a little bitty, little small bites, pieces and parts. Yeah, we do that a bunch. Love that, all right. Oh, we talk about this one all the time time management. Now, this isn't just. This isn't a lecture on time management, but how can you utilize time management to keep motivated? And one we've talked about a lot, and that's time blocking. We're building your calendar, filling your calendar with the small things that you need to get done each day, setting time aside for, yeah, things within your business and personal your exercise time, your reading time, time you're working, your financial reviews. Well, put those in your calendar. You see them, they're all listed. There's a motivation because those are a bunch of little bitty, tiny things.

Coach Dustin:

Again micro goals. You know, I think the thing with time management to keep you motivated is, honestly, to keep your feelings and emotions out of it. It's on my calendar. I do it. Right, consider all of that as an appointment, mm-hmm, right. So, yes, it's keeping us motivated because we have to do it and we are going to do it. But if you have the mindset around Time and the calendar as this is an appointment, like you went to the doctor's office and you had an appointment at 10 am, you're gonna go to an appointment at 10 am. Why don't we do that for everything else we're supposed to be doing, so simple?


It's very simple. Yeah, so there's the time blocking that way. This is what I do from 9 to 945 every day, correct? And I don't miss that because it's an appointment. It's an appointment, oh, love it, yeah. Oh man, these are all the things that coach Dustin has taught me now over these last couple of years. I try. So my note was continuous learning. Now this one is not Dustin, but part of it is you're reading and podcasts. So Now, reading things you know, that are you know, personal growth or business literature, personal development reading or listen to podcasts on those, those, those same things to meet 100% motivational.

Coach Dustin:

That's what I would say if somebody says ask me just the simple question Before us, really writing it down and going into this how do you stay motivated? It's because I listen to personal development, whether it's a book or whether it's a podcast or whether it's go to YouTube. I'm telling you I have a playlist of just motivational videos that I would work out to. Right now I work out with someone, so I'm not listening to something, but Literally it's just walking through that and it's just something to get you almost amped up with. That personal development To me is how you sum up all this. How does they motivate it so?


when you're feeling that blah that day, just what do I need to do? I don't feel like it and going yeah, pull one of those up on YouTube or grab that podcast that you listen to. That's by a business leader or somebody that's within your own industry yeah, you listen to. Yeah, perfect Online courses. What do you think about courses and webinars?

Coach Dustin:

So there's. You know everybody learns differently. I'm gonna put this in with personal development Mm-hmm, definitely. So I am not one, and you know I have courses out there and things like that. I definitely learn better with a coach and Implementation in it, implementing it. But what I really like is how do I put this coaching Excuse me, coaching standard and course enhanced? Okay, I mean, the coaching is right there, but then I can. If so much of it's the same information per se, then yeah, I should probably just watch the course on it and then talk to the coach about it or talk to the group about it. That's how I do a lot of my coaching courses. I do that I give or I actually take part of as well. So that's what I like is, but again, it all focuses on personal development. So, yes, it will absolutely motivate you.


Yeah, and I almost skipped this one, because I don't see these as a daily motivator, because I've probably signed up for a webinar. It was already on a calendar. It's not like I woke up on a Wednesday not feeling very motivated and thought, oh, I'm going to find a webinar, that's, that's to me yeah a little. Yeah, this was a little bit odd to me when I saw that.

Coach Dustin:

And I don't think that might be what it is. I think the course or the webinar is that, hey, I want to learn something for this vision and I'm going to be motivated for this vision, so I'm going to do this. I think it really all goes back into personal development.


Yep, well, continuing along those lines and it's right behind us. For the hundreds of you that watch us on YouTube and see it, join a mastermind. That's huge, or coaching.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, coaching and mastermind. Those are two different things, yet they are crucial and huge in my opinion. I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 10 years on coaching and masterminds and I would double it and still be in the black on the return on that.


So why? Why is that? It's such a good daily motivator. Let's just go with a coach. We'll start with coaching.

Coach Dustin:

So I look at coaching as a couple different things is a lot of times when I feel like and I'm just going to use me personally because I do have a coach and then the people I coach but a lot of times when we're feeling blah is because we're too much in our own head, we're making a small challenge a much bigger, more complex thing, and a lot of times what a coach can do is give clarity on that to help you move forward. And a lot of times when you have clarity, it's very easy to move forward, which keeps you motivated right. So I think that's a huge thing that a coach can do Get you out of your own head Absolutely. Yeah, helps you find clarity and then hold you accountable to your goals.

Coach Dustin:

Accountability is a huge part, because that's what helps the motivation. I believe accountability is a huge factor of motivation. Yeah, second part is is the mastermind is now you have committed to something to a group of people that you're going to hold them accountable and they're going to hold you accountable, and the reality of it is is human nature is we do not want to fail other people more than we don't want to fail ourselves. We will fail in silence, where nobody knows more than we will fail in front of other people.


Yeah, I would agree with that Absolutely, and that's what I've learned from being around these masterminds now. It's that the accountability is some of the biggest part of it. Yeah, you've got others holding you accountable. I like holding other people accountable, saying, okay, you need to help with that, I'm on, I'm with you, we'll talk about it once a week.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool. What's interesting in that mastermind? When you're holding somebody else accountable, you play at a higher level, Because if you're teaching something you're holding somebody else accountable and then you're not doing it, you know you're not an integrity. So you start rising to the occasion, which is a huge thing that masterminds don't push, and yet it's something that happens inside of the mastermind. Very good so exciting.


Yeah, got to talk about the next one. I had some notes written down on your daily reflections and your journaling. We kind of talked about that in our morning routine. Yeah, how about affirmations? My wife is really big on positive affirmations. Really Positivity, thinking those, reminding yourself of how lucky we are, how blessed we are, how much we have, that type of thing.

Coach Dustin:

So I think there's I think that's two different things there. There's the positive mindset of being grateful, how blessed we are, the things we have, that kind of thing. Ratitude journal yeah, the affirmation is the IEM statements. Studies have shown the two most powerful words put together in the English language are IEM, iem, 225 pounds, iem healthy, iem, fit, iem, strong, whatever it may be, because your cells eavesdrop on your thoughts. So if you're thinking this and you're saying this, your body and your brain starts identifying that way. So I think that's a huge thing. I am not as a. I don't do affirmations probably as much as I should. I don't like the word should, but it's something my wife does with our children all the time, all the time. And for a side note, snoop Doggy Dog has children's music out there and one of the songs is called Affirmations and it's by Doggy Land. I would highly recommend everybody go listen to it, because we listen to it almost every morning.


Interesting, yeah, so that's the affirmation. Now, how is that going to motivate you, though?

Coach Dustin:

every day. Because, again, I believe, if you are identifying as this I am a successful business owner, then you're going to show up as that successful business owner, right? I think a lot of motivation is a lot of showing up how you want to show up in doing the daily habits.


So that could play a visualization too, very similar.

Coach Dustin:

I think so. Yeah, yeah. Anytime you say the, I am right. That said, when you're doing affirmations, the studies have shown that you do it in the present sense. Not I am going to make a million dollars this year. No, it's, I am going to be healthy. No, it's, I am healthy. There is no future presence in this. I've heard other people say the other thing, because there's a lot of science around affirmations and I think what I've liked doing with it is writing it down more than saying it, because when you write it down, there's a lot of things that happen to that. So I think it works, but I think it's all about identifying as something like that.


Okay, going into my last section, one of the last ones, we talked about that we do this a lot in the Mastermind, in the Data App Council, acknowledging milestones, little ones as well as big ones.

Coach Dustin:

You know this is huge. A lot of you have been hearing me talk about Dr Ben Hardy lately. A couple of different books I've read probably in the last quarter by him, but one of them is called the Gap and the Game, and this talks about reflecting, Because to measure success you need to measure backwards. Where was I to where I am now? Not I was supposed to be there, but where am I and where was I. And I think that's huge because once you reflect on things John Maxwell also talks about the law of reflection but once you reflect on things, you can actually see how far you've come. And a lot of times when you see how far you've become or how far you've come, you want to move farther you, because you're like man, look what I did, I can go farther, Right, but when you're looking just straight up at the mountain, you're like there's no way I can do this. But if you look back you're like, well, I've actually already done three fourths of this mountain there's. This next fourth is not going to be nothing.


How many people have done that? And I take that specific to hiking and for me, cycling is that you know well some big monster climbs, whether it's mountain biking or road biking, and you're just grinding away and grinding away. Sometimes you have to stop, take a rest, or you're doing the paper boy climb, where you're just going all the way from the left side of the road to the right side of the road base, winding your way up, but then you stop and you look back and realize, holy cow, I've gone a long way. My wife and I made a trip to the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago and hiking down the Grand Canyon and hiking back, boy, there were times that we'd stop and think I don't know if I can keep going. But you do just that. You look backwards and realize, oh man, I didn't realize we've climbed this far. Oh, I could do that, okay, wow.

Coach Dustin:

All right.


That's all we have left to go.

Coach Dustin:

Yeah, the law of reflection is huge.


I never knew that's what it was. I thought I was just a genius.

Coach Dustin:

Remember, you can't steal the truth, so you can have it. Yeah, motivation is going to be huge, and it's not just for business owners and yet I think it's very important for business owners but as leaders of our family and leaders in our businesses. That is something that motivates me too, because I have a responsibility. I have a responsibility to my spouse, I have a responsibility to my children. I have a responsibility to the people who work for me for them to have their lives, and that's extreme motivation. There's a motivation right there and that is.

Coach Dustin:

Maybe it's reflecting, maybe it's not, but it's really. Just looking at the picture of what you've built. When I look out into one of our businesses and we might have four people that work here, all right, well, those four people have a family, so now there's, let's say, there's, 12 people out of that, and then we have vendors that rely on us to buy things, so then there's those employees and then those businesses and those children. So the ripple effect that you make in life should be a huge motivator to you, but it's a mic drop moment right there.


Just think about how many lives we are touching as business owners, as entrepreneurs, not just our own immediate family. Then you start going out farther, by your employees, your employees families, your vendors, your landlord.

Coach Dustin:

It's amazing. There's a ripple effect, and this is even when you're not a business owner. There's that same ripple effect, Right? So think about that as the motivation. What is my ripple effect?


That might be the biggest motivator of all these for a daily motivation. If I don't feel like doing it today, Well, how many people is that impacting if you're not getting something cool done? I mean honestly, it's the butterfly effect. It is the butterfly effect.

Coach Dustin:

Interesting. There could be a whole another episode on this, a whole another blog all sorts of stuff on this.


Wow, that was at the very end. But wow, yeah, and we have Dustin and I he's coached me on this before. I don't think about it as much as he does, and I think it's because I'm relatively new to being a business owner, so I don't every day just think about all the people that depend on me to keep doing well in what we're doing. But I might, after today might be my new thing, might be a sticker on my car. I like it. If I put stickers on my car, I like it, it could be where we were to the year. Oh, what is that? What would it be? It's dependent. I don't know which word it is. Ripple, oh, ripple, wow, and not the cheap wine, ripple effect.


We're talking about the ripple effect.

Coach Dustin:



So it's a two word word of the year. I like it. Wow, ripple effect. I wish I knew somebody owned a signed company that could make a big board for me that said ripple effect, all right, so that's it. Those were my notes that I had written down, and this went about as long as we wanted to go.

Coach Dustin:

Well, guys, I think this is a big one and actually went a little longer than most of the time. However, it's the beginning of the year. This, in my opinion, could be one that you go listen to in February and March and April, when that new year, new me, bs wears off, because it's going to wear off, yep. So find something right now that's going to continue to move you forward Again. It can be that ripple effect. It can be, you know, personal development. It's all of it, really, that we talked about. So go out there again, join us at the free Facebook group where you can have these conversations with other people doing what you're doing, and then go to the data groupcom or just Facebook, the balance business dad free group. There and gents, just go data up, because the people who love you the most deserve it and help out another dude Love that.


I've mentioned this before. It's super simple. If you're enjoying this podcast and why wouldn't you? It's not like it's really a question. You're listening, most likely on your phone. If not, your phone is in your pocket Follow up this episode and forward it to a guy. Forward it to another dad that you know that you think could enjoy listening to it. Do it helps us out and we know it helps other people. That's my challenge. I challenged that one before.

Coach Dustin:

Just do it. What the heck Are we done? We're done, guys. We'll talk to you next week.


We're out Bye.

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